Welcome to our Blog!

Welcome to Our Family Maison, a blog focused on DIY, Home Decor/Design and Family.
I fully believe that the Home can be a spiritual safe-haven, a place that can be creatively filled with love and beautiful memories that a family will cherish as long as they live. I hope that this blog can somewhat inspire you to build that same feeling within your own home.
When I started this blog, it was in the middle of Covid-19 where governments had required a stay at home order. This caused the meaning of the word ‘home’ to drastically increase for the good in our lives. I have learned to appreciate what I have and to appreciate the family who share this space with me. I’m grateful that my husband could stay home to be with me and our newborn baby longer than his paternity leave would allow. I learned new things about my husband when I saw him play with our daughter and give her the love she deserves. I learned to love him even more because of those many hours being stuck at home together. I know that others did not feel the same way, but I’m glad it was a blessing for my family.
Our home became the best shelter I could ask for during the pandemic.
We moved into our first home in Oct of 2020. We literally built a ‘shelter from the storm’. Covid-19 was so discouraging for many, but I noticed that being in a home where I felt safe and loved kept me sane.
My hopes in writing this blog is not only that you will acquire DIY and Home décor and design tips for your own home but that you will also receive inspiration on how you can make your family home a spiritual safe-haven from the crazy world we live in. A place where you can rest, where you can love, where you can dream, where you can BE YOU!
“To be or not to be, that is the question”
-Hamlet by Willam Shakespeare
Being a new mother I have come to realize that the home is a place where superheros, singers, dancers, pro gamers, authors, cooks, doctors can exist. In the home you can be whoever you want to be (or who your children want/need you to be) because the home is where you release your creative outlet, a place where you feel comfortable, where you are completely vulnerable. Home is where you can ‘be’ who YOU want to ‘be.’ God put that creativity in you because He knows you can achieve it.
Here’s hoping that this blog encourages you to discover who you can be! Hoping that our home can help you build your dream life.
Kayla Crandall